Jao San Pedro
JAO SAN PEDRO IS A VISUAL artist working on the intersection of the body and its performativities. Spanning movement, Image, sound, film, object, sculpture and installation.
Beyond the End, an Eternal End (Portal)
Single-channel video 7minutes, 7seconds (Loop) Edition of 5
Bodies and landscapes disappear altogether in Beyond the End, an Eternal End. Passing through several filters and generators, the errors of the initial inputs are heightened, surfacing the inherent frailty of simulations and technologies’ capacity to capture, rendering bodies and landscapes as unscannable or incomprehensible figures. What is left are mere registers of malfunctions. Formlessness and the inability to capture form, rather than signaling a conclusive termination, present a means to deconstruct the artificial boundaries imposed on our under- standing ofreality. These errors and disappearances propose a pathway to wield the ever-fluid, ever-transforming nature of our world, where the immaterial and the material, natural and unnatural, perpetually intertwine, shatter, and reconstitute